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The Rescue of Ravenwood

From the Costa Award winning author of Voyage of the Sparrowhawk comes an epic adventure with a call to arms: we must fight to save the most treasured things on our planet. 

To Bea and Raffy, Ravenwood is home. In its own way, the house rescued them, even if it did have a fallen-down tree taking up most of the kitchen. So the idea that it could be sold. Demolished even. Well, that’s unthinkable. Then again, it’s not like the children get a choice. But the truth is, we can all make our own choices, especially if we care enough . . .

A beautiful, soulful, exciting story about holding onto what’s precious, and guarding the extraordinary nature that surrounds us.

Win a family getaway with Feather Down farms

PLUS a Wild Kids Ranger Kit and a copy of The Rescue of Ravenwood!